Advanced Digital X-rays in Bohemia, NY | Bohemia Dental Arts

Digital X-rays are an essential diagnostic tool in modern dentistry, allowing for precise and detailed imaging of your teeth and supporting structures. At Bohemia Dental Arts, we use the most current technology in digital radiography to provide you with the best possible care. Our advanced digital X-rays help us diagnose dental issues accurately and efficiently, ensuring that you receive timely and effective treatment.

Benefits of Digital X-rays:
Digital X-rays offer numerous advantages over traditional film X-rays. They provide high-resolution images that can be viewed instantly on a computer screen, allowing our dentists to detect and diagnose dental problems with greater accuracy. Additionally, digital X-rays reduce radiation exposure by up to 90%, making them a safer option for our patients.

Applications of Digital X-rays:
Digital X-rays are used in a variety of diagnostic and treatment planning applications, including:

  • Detecting cavities and tooth decay
  • Identifying infections or abscesses
  • Evaluating the health of the jawbone and surrounding structures
  • Planning dental implant placement
  • Monitoring the progress of orthodontic treatment
  • Assessing the position of impacted teeth

Our Technology:
At Bohemia Dental Arts, we are committed to using the latest technology to enhance the quality of our dental care. Our digital X-ray systems provide clear and detailed images, allowing for precise diagnosis and treatment planning. The images can be easily stored and shared electronically, facilitating seamless communication with specialists if needed.

Comfort and Convenience:
Digital X-rays are quick and comfortable, making the process as convenient as possible for our patients. The digital sensors are designed to fit comfortably in your mouth, and the images are captured within seconds. This means less time spent in the dental chair and more time enjoying your day.

Why Choose Bohemia Dental Arts:
Our experienced team is dedicated to providing exceptional dental care in a friendly and welcoming environment. We take the time to explain your treatment options and answer any questions you may have, ensuring that you feel informed and confident in your care. With our commitment to using the most current technology, you can trust that you are receiving the best possible care for your oral health.

Schedule Your Appointment:
Experience the precision and safety of digital X-rays at Bohemia Dental Arts. Schedule your appointment today and take the first step towards a healthier smile. Contact us at 631-589-8585 to book your visit.


Q: Are digital X-rays safe?
A: Yes, digital X-rays are much safer than traditional film X-rays. They reduce radiation exposure by up to 90%, making them a safe and effective diagnostic tool.

Q: How often should I get digital X-rays?
A: The frequency of digital X-rays depends on your individual dental health needs. Your dentist will recommend the appropriate schedule based on your oral health history and current condition.

Q: What can digital X-rays detect?
A: Digital X-rays can detect cavities, tooth decay, infections, abscesses, impacted teeth, and issues with the jawbone and surrounding structures. They are also used for treatment planning and monitoring progress.

Q: Is the process of taking digital X-rays uncomfortable?
A: No, digital X-rays are designed to be quick and comfortable. The digital sensors fit easily in your mouth, and the images are captured within seconds.

Q: Can digital X-ray images be shared with other dental specialists?
A: Yes, digital X-ray images can be easily stored and shared electronically, facilitating seamless communication with specialists if needed.

Don't wait to ensure your dental health is in top condition. Schedule your appointment for advanced digital X-rays at Bohemia Dental Arts today! Call us at 631-589-8585 to book your visit and experience the difference our cutting-edge technology can make.

Cities, Towns & Villages We Proudly Serve

No matter where you are coming from, Bohemia Dental Arts is committed to providing the best dental care experience. Our state-of-the-art facility and friendly team are ready to welcome you. If your area is not listed above, don't worry—give us a call at 631-589-8585 to see how we can accommodate you.