Prompt Emergency Dental Care
Bohemia, NY

Dental emergencies can happen at any time and require prompt attention to prevent further damage and alleviate pain. At Bohemia Dental Arts, we provide prompt and effective emergency dental care to address a wide range of dental issues. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing compassionate care and immediate relief to ensure your dental health and comfort.

What Constitutes a Dental Emergency?
A dental emergency is any situation that requires immediate dental care to relieve pain, stop bleeding, or prevent further damage to your teeth or gums. Common dental emergencies include:

  • Toothache: Severe or persistent tooth pain can indicate an underlying issue such as an infection or decay. Immediate treatment is necessary to relieve pain and address the cause.
  • Knocked-Out Tooth: A knocked-out tooth requires immediate attention to increase the chances of successful re-implantation. Keep the tooth moist and contact our office immediately.
  • Chipped or Broken Tooth: A chipped or broken tooth can cause pain and sensitivity. Prompt treatment can prevent further damage and restore the tooth's function and appearance.
  • Lost Filling or Crown: A lost filling or crown can expose the underlying tooth structure, causing pain and increasing the risk of infection. Immediate care is necessary to protect the tooth.
  • Abscess: An abscess is a painful infection that occurs at the root of a tooth or in the space between the teeth and gums. It requires urgent treatment to prevent the infection from spreading.
  • Bleeding or Swollen Gums: Unexplained bleeding or swelling of the gums can indicate an infection or other serious dental issue. Immediate care is necessary to diagnose and treat the problem.

Our Emergency Dental Care Services:
At Bohemia Dental Arts, we offer comprehensive emergency dental care to address a wide range of urgent dental issues:

Pain Relief:
Our team provides prompt pain relief for dental emergencies, using local anesthesia and other pain management techniques to ensure your comfort.

Tooth Repair and Restoration:
We offer immediate treatment for chipped, broken, or knocked-out teeth, using advanced techniques to restore the function and appearance of your teeth.

Infection Treatment:
For dental infections and abscesses, we provide immediate treatment to eliminate the infection and prevent it from spreading. This may include antibiotics, drainage, or root canal therapy.

Lost Filling or Crown Replacement:
If you have lost a filling or crown, we provide prompt replacement to protect the underlying tooth and restore its function.

Comprehensive Exams:
During your emergency visit, our dentist will conduct a comprehensive exam to diagnose the issue and develop a treatment plan. We use digital X-rays and other diagnostic tools to ensure accurate and effective care.

Why Choose Bohemia Dental Arts for Emergency Dental Care:
Our experienced team at Bohemia Dental Arts is dedicated to providing prompt and compassionate emergency dental care. We use the latest techniques and technology to ensure effective and comfortable treatment. Our patient-centered approach ensures that you receive personalized care tailored to your unique needs.

Preventing Dental Emergencies:
While some dental emergencies are unavoidable, you can reduce your risk by maintaining good oral hygiene, wearing a mouthguard during sports, and avoiding chewing on hard objects. Regular dental check-ups can also help identify and address potential issues before they become emergencies.

Schedule Your Emergency Appointment:
Receive prompt and effective emergency dental care at Bohemia Dental Arts. Contact us immediately if you are experiencing a dental emergency. Call 631-589-8585 to schedule your appointment and receive the care you need.


Q: What should I do if I have a dental emergency?
A: If you are experiencing a dental emergency, contact our office immediately at 631-589-8585. We will provide guidance on how to manage the situation and schedule you for an emergency appointment.

Q: Can a knocked-out tooth be saved?
A: Yes, a knocked-out tooth can sometimes be saved if it is re-implanted within 30 minutes to an hour. Keep the tooth moist and contact our office immediately for guidance.

Q: How can I manage a toothache until I see the dentist?
A: You can manage a toothache by rinsing your mouth with warm salt water, taking over-the-counter pain relievers, and applying a cold compress to the affected area. Avoid chewing on the affected side and contact our office as soon as possible.

Q: Is a lost filling or crown a dental emergency?
A: Yes, a lost filling or crown can expose the underlying tooth structure, causing pain and increasing the risk of infection. Immediate care is necessary to protect the tooth and restore its function.

Q: How can I prevent dental emergencies?
A: Maintain good oral hygiene, wear a mouthguard during sports, avoid chewing on hard objects, and attend regular dental check-ups to reduce your risk of dental emergencies.

Receive prompt and effective emergency dental care at Bohemia Dental Arts. Contact us immediately if you are experiencing a dental emergency by calling 631-589-8585. Let our expert team provide the care you need to ensure your dental health and comfort.

Cities, Towns & Villages We Proudly Serve

No matter where you are coming from, Bohemia Dental Arts is committed to providing the best dental care experience. Our state-of-the-art facility and friendly team are ready to welcome you. If your area is not listed above, don't worry—give us a call at 631-589-8585 to see how we can accommodate you.