Tooth Colored Fillings

Bohemia, NY

Tooth colored fillings offer a natural-looking and durable solution for restoring teeth affected by cavities and minor damage. At Bohemia Dental Arts, we provide high-quality tooth colored fillings that blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, preserving the aesthetics of your smile while providing the strength and function you need.

What Are Tooth Colored Fillings?
Tooth colored fillings, also known as composite fillings, are made from a blend of plastic and fine glass particles. These fillings are designed to match the color of your natural teeth, making them an excellent choice for restoring front or back teeth. In addition to their aesthetic advantages, tooth colored fillings bond directly to the tooth structure, providing strong and durable restorations.

Benefits of Tooth Colored Fillings:

  • Aesthetic Appeal: Tooth colored fillings blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, providing a discreet and attractive restoration.
  • Durable and Long-Lasting: Composite fillings are strong and durable, able to withstand the pressures of chewing and biting.
  • Less Invasive: Tooth colored fillings require less removal of the natural tooth structure compared to traditional amalgam fillings, preserving more of your healthy tooth.
  • Mercury-Free: Composite fillings do not contain mercury, making them a safer and more environmentally friendly option.

Our Tooth Colored Filling Process:
The process of getting tooth colored fillings at Bohemia Dental Arts is straightforward and comfortable:

The tooth is prepared by removing the decayed or damaged portion. The area is then cleaned and treated to prevent further decay.

The composite filling material is applied in layers, with each layer being carefully shaped and cured with a special light. This ensures a strong bond and a natural-looking result.

Once the filling is in place, it is shaped and polished to match the contours of your natural tooth, ensuring a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing fit.

Why Choose Bohemia Dental Arts for Tooth Colored Fillings:
Our experienced team at Bohemia Dental Arts is dedicated to providing high-quality dental care that meets your aesthetic and functional needs. We use the most current materials and techniques to ensure that your tooth colored fillings are durable, natural-looking, and long-lasting. Our patient-centered approach ensures that you receive personalized care in a comfortable and welcoming environment.

Caring for Your Tooth Colored Fillings:
Maintaining your tooth colored fillings is simple and similar to caring for your natural teeth. Brush and floss daily, and attend regular dental check-ups and cleanings. Avoid biting or chewing on hard objects, as this can damage the fillings.

Schedule Your Appointment:
Restore your teeth with natural-looking tooth colored fillings at Bohemia Dental Arts. Schedule your appointment today and enjoy a healthy, beautiful smile. Contact us at 631-589-8585 to book your visit.


Q: How long do tooth colored fillings last?
A: With proper care, tooth colored fillings can last many years. Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene practices can help extend the life of your fillings.

Q: Are tooth colored fillings as strong as metal fillings?
A: Yes, tooth colored fillings are strong and durable, able to withstand the pressures of chewing and biting. They provide a reliable and aesthetically pleasing alternative to traditional metal fillings.

Q: Can tooth colored fillings be used for all types of cavities?
A: Tooth colored fillings are suitable for most types of cavities, including those in front and back teeth. During your consultation, our dentist will assess your needs and recommend the best type of filling for you.

Q: Will my tooth colored filling look natural?
A: Yes, tooth colored fillings are designed to match the color of your natural teeth, providing a seamless and natural-looking restoration.

Q: How should I care for my tooth colored fillings?
A: Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing daily, and attend regular dental check-ups and cleanings. Avoid biting or chewing on hard objects to prevent damage to the fillings.

Experience the benefits of natural-looking tooth colored fillings at Bohemia Dental Arts. Schedule your appointment today by calling 631-589-8585. Let our expert team help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.

Cities, Towns & Villages We Proudly Serve

No matter where you are coming from, Bohemia Dental Arts is committed to providing the best dental care experience. Our state-of-the-art facility and friendly team are ready to welcome you. If your area is not listed above, don't worry—give us a call at 631-589-8585 to see how we can accommodate you.